Staying Well (EPP)
Contact: Paula Graham
Bassetlaw Action Centre
Canal Street
DN22 6EZ
Telephone: 01777 709650
Leaflet: To download the Staying Well leaflet please click here
Case study: To see an example of how Staying Well can help please click here
Referral Form: Professionals can download the referral form by clicking here
Posters to download:
Staying Well (6 week course)
Long Covid Staying Well (12 week course)
NOTE: Standard courses are currently meeting virtually via Zoom or face to face. We are also running Long Covid courses. The course content is the same as the standard course but facilitated over 12 weeks for 1.5 hours to make them more manageable for participants.
For details of the next available courses, please call us for more details on 01777 709650 or email
The Staying Well Expert Patients Programme (EPP) is a ‘chronic disease self-management course’ (CDSMC), a new government initiative to help people living with long term conditions maintain their health and improve their quality of life through a self-management course led by someone else with a long term health condition.
Self-management programmes have been running in the USA since the 1970s and came to this country in 1994. Over this time a substantial body of clinical research and experiential feedback has built up testifying to its efficiency.
The primary aim is not to impart medical information but to facilitate the development of self-management skills, such as problem solving and goal setting.
The course has been designed to help people with a chronic or long-term illness regain as much control over their physical and emotional well-being as possible. It complements existing health care programmes and treatments, empowering participants to be more informed and better able to develop partnerships with their medical practitioners.
It is a generic, time-limited course, suitable for people who have any long-term health condition. For example: Arthritis, Heart Disease, Stroke, Depression, MS, Epilepsy, ME, Schizophrenia, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, HIV, indeed any condition that impacts on a persons life. The Tutors are themselves living with long-term conditions.
Tutors use a detailed, scripted manual, underpinned by ongoing research. There is a strong emphasis on participants setting practical and achievable action plans that are evaluated weekly.
The course is informal but structured allowing an equal amount of time for discussion and information. It is held in a community rather than health venue.
What does the Course involve?
The course consists of one 2½ hour session once a week for six weeks, the maximum number of participants on each course is 16 plus two tutors who also live with a long-term condition.
The areas covered include:
Goal setting/action planning
Problem solving
Symptom management techniques
Fatigue management
Dealing with emotions
Living wills/power of attorney
Healthy Eating
Guided imagery
The course is interactive, informal and friendly.
Research shows that people who have attended the course:
Have greater confidence in dealing with their illness, experience less pain, fatigue, depression and anxiety. They are more likely to continue with exercise and relaxation techniques; make fewer visits to their GP and have better communication with health professionals.
Why does the course work so well?
Because individuals with different conditions share many of the same problems, no matter what illness individuals live with it is often the consequences of that illness that are more problematic than the condition itself. When you can’t do what you used to be able to and your family and friends don’t understand, anger, frustration, loss of job or mobility, depression and pain can so easily become a cycle of despair.
Feedback from participants countrywide has been excellent and although this is something very new for the NHS it is something people want.
Yes, the course is structured but there is time for short discussions to help us learn from each other and gain support and encouragement.
Courses are available throughout Bassetlaw please contact us for more details.