Bassetlaw Self Help Directory
Please click here to open the Self Help Wallchart 2021/2022
PLEASE NOTE: This directory was last updated in July 2021.
A Place To Call Our Own (APTCOO)
Contact: Carol Burkitt – Chief Executive Officer
Address: Unit 15, Botany Park, Botany Avenue, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 5NF
Telephone: 01623 629902 or 07395 013 295
Email: or
Various activities and groups including:
- APTCOO After School 5 to 10s Group every Monday 4pm – 6pm at the Botany Avenue site in Mansfield
- Siblings Group every Monday from 4pm – 6pm at the Botany Avenue site in Mansfield
- APTCOO Bassetlaw After School Club every Wednesday between 4pm and 6pm at Stephen House in Retford
- APTCOO Preparing for Adulthood (PFA) for ages 11+ years every Wednesday 4pm – 6pm at the Botany Avenue site in Mansfield
- APTCOO Family Fun Club every other Saturday from 9.30am to 11.30am at the Botany Avenue site in Mansfield
APTCOO support families to make informed choices and work together with a wide range of complementary partners in order to provide access to the right services, at the right time, with the right people. Our services are delivered across various sites including Mansfield and Budby (near Thoresby), each having its own unique specialism and based within the local communities, we work closely together with health, education, social care and families providing holistic support.
APTCOO is an Independent Special School using highly innovative and creative practical strategies that turn opportunities into real and successful change. We work in partnership with Nottinghamshire County and Nottingham City Council and local schools to deliver flexible provision that will ultimately improve young people’s well-being, attendance and achievement together with confidence to re-engage back into mainstream. We are able to offer unique, safe and accessible spaces providing personalised education, training and employability skills for children and young people aged 5 to 25.
Age Concern – Harworth & Bircotes
Contact: Maurice Jones – Treasurer
Address: 42 Grosvenor Road, Harworth, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 8EX
Telephone: 07527 013613/07790 230673
Activity: Coffee shop & drop in centre Devonshire Road Centre Harworth. 8.45am-12.15pm on Mondays, Thursdays, & Fridays. Tuesdays 10.30m – 11.30am
Meeting address: Devonshire Road Centre, Harworth
Meeting time: Mon, Thurs, & Fri 8.45am – 12.15pm Tues, 10.30 – 11.30
Coffee shop and drop in centre 3 times a week at Devonshire Road Centre, Harworth. 8.45am – 12.30pm on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Following the 10.30am – 11.30am session on Tuesdays there is a Luncheon Club 11.30 – 2.00pm for invited clients only, should you wish to be placed on the waiting list please contact Hilary on tel no: 07790 230673
Age UK
Address: Age UK, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA
Telephone: 0800 1698080
Opening times: 7 days a week 8.00am-7.00pm
A free advice service run by Age UK for older people, their relatives, carers and friends. We send out written information on welfare and disability benefits, care at home, residential care, housing options, adaptations and access to health and community services.
Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
Charity with a range of services to support older people
Address: Bradbury House, 12 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 4FQ
Telephone: 0115 8440011
Opening times: Mon-Thurs 9.00am to 5.00pm, Fri 9.00am to 4.30pm
Information, signposting and advice on a number of issues. Specialist advice welfare rights, benefits and wellbeing. Legal Advice. Will Writing (fee for this service). Access to other services within the charity.
Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire (Al-Anon)
Address: 57B Great Suffolk Street, London, SE1 0BB
Telephone: 020 7403 0888/Freephone Helpline 0800 0086811
Opening times: Helpline 10.00am to 10.00pm Daily
For those affected by someone elses drinking.
Alcoholics Anonymous Helplines (A.A. Helplines)
Address: P.O. Box 1, 10 Toft Green, York, Yorkshire, YO1 7NJ
Helpline: 0800 917 7650
Office: 01904 644 026
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Notts Helpline 8.00am to midnight 0115 941 7100
Allsorts Nottinghamshire
Contact: Jane Hawthorn – Chair Person
Address: c/o Bassetlaw Action Centre, Canal Street, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6EZ
Telephone: 07949 201478
Meeting address: Various locations
Meeting time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm on the second Thursday of each month
Allsorts is a social group for young disabled adults (with a physical, sensory or mild learning disability between the ages of 18 and 40 years. We meet on the second Thursday of each month between 7.30am and 9.30pm at a variety of locations including dining out, ten pin bowling, talks, trips on the Nottingham Princess, theatre and cinema etc etc. The sky is the limit is Allsorts moto.
There is a group of volunteers who support members but it is membership led and all members make the decisions re the group.
Alorafocus (ALF)
Contact: Carmel Harkness
Address: The Patchills Centre, The Patchills, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. NG18 3BS
Telephone: 07979 977407 (7.00am – 7.00pm; 7 days a week)
Helpline: 07922 325330
Cancer Support Self-Help (Mansfield).
Meeting time: 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 6.00pm – 8.30pm
Meetings at The Patchill, Eakring Close, Eakring Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. NG18 3FE, first and third Monday of month (with occasional changes for Bank Holidays) from 6.30pm – 8:30pm.
We support anyone affected by cancer and life changing illness. We have group members who have had transplants along with Crowns disease and Lupus.
Alzheimers Society – Nottinghamshire (Bassetlaw)
Contact: Alzheimer’s Society – Regional Administrator
Telephone: Main Office 0115 9343811
National helpline: 0333 150 3456
Opening times: 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday
Activity: social, advice, information, training
Dementia Advice and Support Service: (0115 9343811) Our specialist Dementia Support Workers provide support, information and guidance to people with dementia and their carers helping to maintain their independence, improving their sense of well-being, and putting them more in control of their lives. This includes assisting access to other support services within the community.
Anaphylaxis Campaign
Address: 1 Alexandra Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6BU
Telephone: 01252 546100
Helpline: 01252 542029
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
To raise awareness in the food industry, restaurants, shops, schools, the medical world and the government about potentially fatal food allergies. To provide allergic individuals and their families with information and support.
Arthritis Research UK
Address: Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, Farringdon, London, EC1N 8EQ
Telephone: 0207 380 6500
Arthritis Care is the UK’s largest organisation working with and for all people with arthritis. We are a membership organisation with a network of local branches and groups
Ask Us Nottinghamshire
Contact: Catherine Connolly – Senior Advisor
Address: Ask Us Notinghamshire, 57 Maid Marrian Way, Nottingham. NG1 6GE
Telephone: 0800 1217772
Helpline: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9.00am – 1.00pm and Tuesday & Thursday 1.00pm – 5.00pm
Answerphone: 24 hours
We provide information, advice and support to parents/carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and to those children and young people themselves, around education, health and social care issues. We aim to enable them (parents, children and young people up to 25 years of age) to play a fully informed role in accessing appropriate support in all matters relating to the child’s/young person’s disability. We can signpost on to other agencies/organisations as necessary.
- We offer:
- telephone helpline support
- individual support (eg form-filling, report or letter writing, support at education-related meetings or talking through options).
- drop-in sessions at local venues.
- training around special needs issues in education
- support worker for Asian families where there are language or cultural barriers
- specialist advice eg around exclusions, or regarding school admissions for children with SEND
Aurora Wellbeing Centre – Bereavement Support – Suspended due to lockdown
Contact: Colby Siva-Andrews, Macmillan Wellbeing Practitioner
Address: The Old Library, Memorial Avenue, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2BJ
Telephone: The Aurora Wellbeing Centre 01909 470985
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm
Meeting address: The Aurora Wellbeing Centre, Memorial Ave, Worksop, Notts
Meeting time: Every Friday 9.30am- 12.30pm
Informal sessions which offer help and support for relatives and friends following bereavement.
Aurora Wellbeing Centre – Wellbeing Practitioner Support (Ongoing via Telephone and/or Email)
Address: The Old Library, Memorial Avenue, Worksop, S80 2BJ
Telephone: The Aurora Wellbeing Centre 01909 470985
Centre Opening times: Monday – Friday 10am – 2pm – *Temporary hours due to Lockdown*
Wellbeing Practitioner Times: Mon to Friday 10.00am – 4.30pm
If you have received a cancer diagnosis, are living with a cancer diagnosis or a long-term condition, or someone who is caring for someone with cancer, or a long-term condition, it can help to talk to one of our professionals who can give you advice, support or just have a chat on a one-to-one basis.
Aurora Wellbeing Centre – Social Café – Suspended due to lockdown
Contact: Colby Siva-Andrews, Macmillan Wellbeing Practitioner
Address: The Old Library, Memorial Avenue, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2BJ
Telephone: 01909 470985
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm
Meeting address: The Aurora Wellbring Centre, The Old Library, Memorial Avenue, Worksop, Notts
Meeting time: Every Tuesday 10.00am – 12.00 noon
People with fond memories of the 1940s, 50s or 60s who would like to meet new friends. Join us for a coffee and the lunch time specials in Valerie’s Tearooms.
Aurora Wellbeing Centre – Social Wednesday Lunch Club – Suspended due to lockdown
Contact: Colby Siva-Andrews, Macmillan Wellbeing Practitioner
Address: The Old Library, Memorial Avenue, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2BJ
Telephone: 01909 470985
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm
Meeting address: The Aurora Wellbring Centre, The Old Library, Memorial Avenue, Worksop, Notts
Meeting time: Every Wednesday 12.00 noon – 2.00pm
If you enjoy a bite to eat and good company, join us in our tearoom for a main course, dessert and a drink for just £5.00. If you’re interested in attending then please contact Colby on 01909 470985 for more information.
Bassetlaw Bereavement Care
Contact: Andrea Kirkwood – Co-ordinator
Address: Bassetlaw Hospital, Kilton, Worksop, Notts, S81 0BD
Telephone: 01909 572779
Helpline: 01909 572779
Answerphone: 24 hour
Activity: One to one support offered to all bereaved adults, either in their own home or at Bassetlaw Hospital. Bereavement Support Groups – times on request.
Bassetlaw Big Hearted – Heart Failure Support Group
Address: Bassetlaw Bighearted Heart Failure Support Group, Retford Primary Care Centre, Retford Hospital, North Road, Retford, DN22 7XF
Telephone: 01909 481542
Activity: Support group with medical practitioners giving speeches occasionally.
Meeting address: Last Wednesday of each month
To offer patient care, heart research and education.
Bassetlaw Cardiac Support Group (Worksop, Retford and Districts)
Contact: Pat Broskom
Telephone: 01909 562361
Meeting address: Retford Hospital, Collinson Room and Bassetlaw Hospital Post Grad Centre alternately every month
Meeting time: First Friday every month
Meet on the first Friday of each month alternately at Bassetlaw Hospital Post Graduate Centre and Retford Hospital Collinson Room at 2.30pm. To provide help and support for people who have experienced coronary problems. New members are always warmly welcome to any of the meetings. The programme includes monthly speakers on a wide range of interesting topics, refreshments and raffle. Coach outings, theatre trips and a lively Christmas party at a local hotel are also part of the group’s social activities. New members are always warmly welcomed and introduced to members in a friendly manner.
Bassetlaw Citizens Advice – Bassetlaw CAB
Contact: Karen Whitlam – Chief Executive Officer
Address: The Annexe, Queens Building, Potter Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2AH
Helpline: 0800 144 8848
Opening times: Drop-in sessions: The Annexe, Queens Building, Potter Street, Worksop Monday, Wednesday 9.30am – 3.00pm and Friday 9.30am – 1.00pm. 17b The Square, Retford – Tuesday & Thursday 10.00am to 2.00pm
Activity: Information, Advice and Support.
Citizens Advice Bassetlaw strives to deliver a high quality information and advice service to the people of Bassetlaw within the aims, principles and policies of the Citizens Advice Bureau service.
Provides free, confidential and independent advice on a wide range of subjects including benefits, debt, employment, housing, homelessness, relationships and consumer. It also has specialist casework services for Debt and Welfare Benefits.
Bassetlaw Community & Voluntary Service (BCVS)
Contact: Matt Enticott – Office Co-ordinator
Address: BCVS@ThePriory, The Old Abbey School, Priorswell Road, Worksop, Notts, S80 2BU
Telephone: 01909 476118
Fax: 01909 484141
Email: or
Opening times: Monday-Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm
Meeting address: BCVS@The Priory, The Old Abbey School, Priorswell Road, Worksop S80 2BU
Meeting time: Monday-Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm (24hr message facility)
BCVS – a local support and development organisation for the Voluntary and Community sector. Project and funding help: – strategic/business planning and review, one to one support to new and established groups, support on commissioning, tendering and bid writing. Practical support to groups: – voluntary and community sector news and information support, affordable room hire in Worksop. Training: – training delivery to meet specific needs in organisations. INVOLVE Volunteer action in Bassetlaw: – support to potential volunteers and organisations, volunteer information, advice and guidance, information on a wide range of volunteering opportunities.
Social Prescribing Service helps patients who are socially isolated or frail to access services and activities provided by voluntary organisations and community groups. Patients must be registered with a Bassetlaw GP & referred in by a health or social care professional.
Community Advisor- helps patients access & navigate non- medical services & support groups. The community advisor has a presence in GP surgeries throughout Bassetlaw & can also be contacted at the BCVS office. Patients must be registered with a Bassetlaw GP.
Bassetlaw Community Car Scheme (BCCS)
Contact: John Lee
Address: Bassetlaw Action Centre, Canal Street, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6EZ
Telephone: 01777 709 650
Opening times: 9.00am – 1.00pm Monday- Friday
The Bassetlaw Community Car Scheme provides a community transport service serving the residents of Bassetlaw who are unable to access public transport. The scheme uses volunteer drivers who drive their own cars.
A charge is made for journeys and clients must be registered to the scheme in order to travel. Registration fees usually apply. Once registered clients should give at least 3 or 4 days notice of a required journey. Office opening hours are 9.00am to 1.00pm Monday – Friday. There is an answerphone service avaliable out of these hours. We require volunteer drivers throughout the whole of Bassetlaw, for more information contact the Transport Co-ordinator on 01777 709650.
Bassetlaw Hospice
Contact: Ian Hall – Charity Administrator
Address: Cedar House, North Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7XF
Telephone: 01777 200060
The Charity works in partnership with Notts Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to provide care and support for patients with cancer/long-term condition diagosis and pallativie care needs. Our aim is to offer the best care the therapy that supports well-being, to enable patients to live a life fully within the liminitations of advancing illness. We work holistically with patients, their families and carers to provide a service that places the patients personal priorities at the core of their care, with dignity and respect. The in-patient unit provides single bedroom for sympton managmenet and end of life care. The daily hospice provides places to help support patients manage symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, pain, low mood and anxiety. We offer a range of complimentary therapies including aromatherapy and hairdressing. For further information about any of the above services please contact: Phone: 0115 9555440. If you feel you are able to support the chairty or would like to become a volunteer please contact Ian Hall, Charity Administrator. Phone: 01777 710444. Email: Website: Registered Charity number: 701876
Bassetlaw Learning Disability Association (BLDA)
Contact: Sally Hird – Chair
Address: Stephen House, 40 Chapelgate, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6PJ
Mobile: 07900 620114
Telephone: 01427 884512
Opening times: Stephen House Club (Adults) Thursdays 7.00pm-9.00pm.Valley Social Club-Worksop Mondays 6.45pm – 8.45pm
Activity: Valley Social Club in Worksop, Stephen House Club in Retford. We have two social clubs for adults with learning disabilities. Both clubs provide a variety of activities on a weekly basis in Worksop and Retford. Both clubs are fully wheelchair accessible.
Provision of social facilities and support for those with a learning disability and their carers. Clubs for adults with learning difficulites help in Retford, Stephen House, 40 Chapelgate, Retford on Thursdays at 7.00pm – 9.00pm and Worksop (Valley Social Club, The Crossing, Newcastle Street, Worksop)on Mondays at 6.45pm – 8.45pm.
Address: Beat, Unit 1 Chalk Hill House, 19 Rosary Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1SZ
Telephone: 0300 123 3355
Telephone: Youth Line on: 0808 801 0711 Adult Line on: 0808 801 0677
Student Line on: 0808 801 08110
Email: For support for an eating disorder adults (over 18): For young people (under 25): For students:
Opening Times: Helpline – 09:00am till 8.00pm (Weekdays), 4.00pm till 8.00pm (Weekends and Bank Holidays)
The UK’s eating disorder charity, providing information for anyone affected by eating disorders including anorexia, binge eating disorders and bulimia nervosa. Leaflets are available for individuals and organisations.
Bereavement Trust (Nottingham)
Contact: Maureen Page – Trust Co-ordinator
Address: 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4AE.
Telephone: 07703 127174
Helpline: 0800 435 455
To provide help, comfort and sympathy to the bereaved. Freephone helpline 0800 435 455 every evening between 6.00pm and 10.00 pm.
Breast Cancer Care – National
Address: Kennington Business Part, Chester House, 1 – 3 Brixton Road, London. SW9 6DE
Telephone: 0808 800 6000
Opening times: 9.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday & 9.00am – 1.00pm Saturday
Activity: Free and confidential national helpline. As our nurses. Email service accessible via website. One-to-one support from a trained volunteer. Live chat and discussion forums. Face-to-face services for people with primary and secondary/metastatic breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Care is here for anyone affected by breast cancer. We bring people together, provide information and support, and campaign for improved standards of care. We use our understanding of people’s experience of breast cancer and our clinical expertise in everything we do.
Visit or call our free helpline on 0808 800 6000. All our services are free.
Brighter Futures (Floating Support for adults with learning disabilities, autism, aspergers or acquired brain injury)
Contact: Cathryn Miller – Team Leader
Address: The Heath Community Centre, Fritchley Court, Oak Tree Lane Estate, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. NG18 3QE
Telephone: 01623 675402
Opening times: Monday – Thursday: 9.00am – 5.00pm. Friday: 9.00am – 4.30pm
The service assists men and women to get the support they need to overcome housing and financial difficulties. We can help people to develop their everyday living skills and move towards independent living. We can give you the support you need, from finding accommodation, managing your current tenancy, accessing specialist services, budgeting and claiming benefits to maximise your income and supporting people to be more involved in their community to prevent isolation. Brighter Futures aims to give you the skills, information and opportunities you need to take the steps to independence.
We can support you with housing related support and accommodation if you:
- Are aged 16 or over
- Have been assessed by Adult Health & Social Care but are ineligible for statutory services
- Have a history that shows you might put your tenancy at risk without intervention and support
- Live in Nottinghamshire.
Buzzom Buddies (Bassetlaw Breast Cancer Support Group)
Contact: Barbara, Mary, Annette – Breast Care Nurses
Address: Aurora Well Being Centre, Memorial Avenue, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2BP
Telephone: 01909 808674 – Barbara, 01909 562099 – Mary, 01909 733794 – Annette
Opening times: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Meeting address: Old Library, Memorial Ave, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2BP
Meeting time: 2nd Thurs of month
For women who have experienced breast cancer and would like to join a self help group for information, support and friendship.
Contact telephone for Joan 01777 705360
Contact telphone for Barbara 01909 808674
CALM (Campaign against living miserably)
Address: CALM, PO Box 68766, London, SE1P 4JZ
Helpline: 0800 58 58 58 (5pm – Midnight 7 days a week)
Our helpline is for people in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support.
We offer an accredited confidential, anonymous and free (see note below) support, information and signposting to people anywhere in the UK through our helpline. Calls are taken by trained staff who are there to listen, support, inform and signpost. And because calls are confidential and anonymous we don’t and can’t offer a counselling service. We also offer a web chat service.
Note: OFCOM rulings mean that all calls are now free to make from landlines, payphones and all mobiles.
Calls are taken in order, so it’s best to stay in a queue rather than redial.
Carers Federation Limited (Carers Federation)
Address: Christopher Cargill House, 21-23 Pelham Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 1AP
Telephone: 0115 962 9310
ADULT CARER SUPPORT- If you are looking after somebody with a disability or long-term illness who could not manage without your help, then you are a carer. The Bassetlaw Carer Support Worker provides telephone and outreach support and information on all aspects of caring for carers over the age of 18, including;
- emotional support
- benefits advice
- form filling
- aids and equipment
- accessing home care and community services
- taking breaks
- signposting to local, national, and community services, to meet carers’ needs.
For more information call 07793268235
The Carers Federation, in partnership with Notts County Council and Bassetlaw Action Centre, host a Bassetlaw Carer Support Group on the last Wednesday of each month, 10.30am-12.30pm at the Wellspring, Hospital Road Retford.
CASY (Counselling & Support for Young People)
Address: 23 Millgate, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, NG24 4TR
Contact: Mick Mason
Telephone: 01636 704620
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Activity: Counselling and Training
Confidential one to one counselling support in schools and the community. Training and placement providers for new counsellors.
Children’s Bereavement Centre
Address: 3 Kings Road, Newark, Notts, NG24 1EW
Telephone: 01636 551739
Meeting Address: Various locations in Nottinghamshire
Opening Time: 9am-5pm Monday-Saturday
The Children’s Bereavement Centre provides specialist 1:1 counselling, advice and support for children, young people (3-18 years old) and their families affected by the death or terminal-illness of someone important to them. A professional and qualified team offer a warm, welcoming and safe environment for children and families to receive the 1:1 and group help and guidance they need following a self-referral via a form available on the website.
Children’s Centres
NOTE: At present our centres are closed to service users but we are working remotely. Referrals to service can be made and are being undertaken over the phone in the first instance with visits to homes offered for certain families/situations.
The Children’s Centre Service works to ensure young children get the best start in life and that their families are supported to help them achieve this. Our Children’s Centre Service provides a range of services for parents to be and families with children under five years old who live in Nottinghamshire. Some of these are at our purpose-built centres, but many take place in community venues, parks, or in the home.
Our staff have expertise in family support, developing parenting skills, promoting health and wellbeing, early years development, communication and language, working with volunteers, and supporting parents to get back to work. The Children’s Centre Service works with partner agencies to ensure we support families in whatever area they need.
Children’s Centres – Hallcroft
Contact: Annette Tutalo – Coordinator
Address: Whitaker Close, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 7QH
Telephone: 0115 977 3754
Opening times: 8.30am – 4:30pm/5.00pm Monday – Friday
Children’s Centres – Manton
Contact: Una Daniels – Coordinator
Address: Community Way, off Shrewsbury Road, Manton, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 2TU
Telephone: 0115 977 3758
Opening times: 8.30am – 4:30pm/5.00pm Monday – Friday
Children’s Centres – West Bassetlaw
Services for families with children from pre-birth to 5 years.
Address: School Road, Langold, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 9PX
Telephone: 0115 977 3759
Opening times: 8.30am – 4:30pm/5.00pm Monday – Friday
Children’s Development Centre – Information Service (CCIS)
Contact: Val Whydall or Tony Barker
Address: Children’s Development Centre, City Hospital Campus, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 1PB
Telephone: 0115 9691300 ext 13743
Telephone: 0115 9691300 ext 13744
Fax: 0115 8831146
Answerphone: Out of Hours as above
Email: or
Library Catalogue:
Opening times: 10.00am – 1.30pm Monday – Thursday & 11.00am – 4.00pm Friday
Provides information on all aspects of childhood disability for parents and carers as well as profesional staff who have responsibility for children with disabilities. Information on children’s disability services across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Enquiry service available by telephone, letter, e-mail or personal visits.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP Retford)
Debt Counselling Charity
Contact: Joanne Bond – Manager
Address: The Well RBC, Hospital Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 7BD
Telephone: 01777 702344
Helpline: 0800 328 0006
Opening times: Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Activity: Free debt counselling advice. If you are weighted down by debt, then we can help. You may think you situation is impossible, but there is hope. Our friendly team will give you a listening ear in the privacy of your own home and provide a real solution to your debts. We offer free help and advice to anyone irrespective of race, gender or belief through our debt counselling team. Available Monday – Thursday.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP Retford)
Healthy Eating, Cooking and Budgeting
Contact: Deal Woolley – Manager
Address: The Well RBC, Hospital Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 7DB
Telephone: 01777 702344
Helpline: 0800 3820006
Opening times: Friday 3.00pm – 7.00pm (Monday – Friday 9.0am – 4.00pm for enquiries)
Offer free help and advice to anyone irrespective of race, gender or belief through our Life Skills Team. Life Skills is an eight-week course that will equip you with tools such as how to eat well on a budget, and how to make your money go further. You’ll meet with a group of like-minded people and learn practical skills from our trained coaches – and have some fun along the way!
Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA)
Address: The Green House, 244 – 254 Cambridge Heath Road, London. E2 9DA
Telephone: 020 7833 4883
Opening times: 9.00am – 5.00pm, Monday-Friday
The Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA) is the only national charity supporting people and families affected by cleft lip and/or palate in the UK. CLAPA provides non-medical services that complement the care provided by specialist Cleft Teams, and aims to support people with cleft and their families from diagnosis through to adulthood. CLAPA offers a number of volunteer-run support groups as well as family events and activities around the UK. Visit for more information.
Compassionate Friends
Bereavement support for anyone who has lost a child. (Open to anyone – parents, grandparents & siblings).
Telephone: 0345 123 2304 (Helpline)
Email: and Helpline Email:
Crossroads Care – North Notts
Address: Intake Business Centre, Kirkland Avenue, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 5QP
Telephone: 01623 658 535
Opening times: 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday. 9.00am- 4.30pm on Fridays.
Provides respite care for carers of those with a physical or learning disability, Alzhimers or frail elderly who wish to remain in their own home. Individual care packages which supplement/complement existing statutory services and work closely with them. Provide trained care support workers to work in the community.
Depression Anxiety Self Help (DASH)
Contact name: Michael Colborn
Contact position: Treasurer
Address: 2 Brixworth Way, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6TT
Telephone: 07974 628512
Opening times: Tuesdays 1.00pm – 3.30pm
Meeting times: Tuesdays 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Self-help group meeting at the Museum on Grove Street, Retford, but at the Retford Library during school holidays, opening at 1.00pm until 3.30pm.
Diabetes UK Support Group – Worksop
Contact: C Walker – Secretary
Address: Worksop, Nottinghamshire
Telephone: 07816 357302
Activity: Provide support and information
Meeting address: The Cannon Pub, Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts
Meeting time: First Wednesday of the month (not January or August). 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Providing support and information for newly diagnosed Type 1 and Type 2, Diabetics, their familes and carers. Meetings provide a social arena where educational and informative discussions take place with professionals and different speakers using a variety of different resources. Meetings are sometimes held at The Ashley Hotel, Carlton Road, Worksop.
Disability Nottinghamshire
Contact: Development Officer
Address: Room 6, Park Road Resource Centre, 53 Park Road, Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire. NG19 8ER
Telephone: 01623 625 891
Meeting time: Our telephone information & advice service is available on the following days and times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10.00am to 2.00pm (until 31 October 2019). Telephone information service and advice service only at present.
Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Hospital Foundation Trust
Address: Doncaster Royal Infirmary, Armthorpe Road, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire. DN2 5LT
Telephone: 01302 366666
Activity: Acute medical Services Provider
Meeting time: Ring office to book appointment
Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust serves a population of over 410,000 in the areas covered by Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council and Bassetlaw District Council, as well as from parts of North Derbyshire, Barnsley, Rotherham, and North-West Lincolnshire. It employs over 5500 staff. Membership of this NHS foundation trust is open to the residents of Bassetlaw and Doncaster, and patients from outside these areas, over the age of 18. For membership enquiries, contact the Membership Office on (01302) 381355 or e-mail
Dukeries Memory Group
A friendly informal and welcoming place for anyone living with dementia, including memory loss and their carers to meet other people in a friendly and welcoming non-judgmental environment, where having fun and gaining emotional support is paramount.
Our groups meet at three venues:
1. Support Cafés – Group/individual activities eg quizzes, crafts, games, talks etc, and refreshments at:
- Hallcroft Community Centre, Randall Way, Retford DN22 7GR on the second Wednesday of each month, 10.30am to 12.30pm.
- The Civic Centre, Long lane Carlton in Lindrick S81 9AP on the third Thursday of each month,10.30am to 12.30pm.
2. DMG Friday Club at The Kilton Golf Club, Blyth Road, Worksop S81 0TL from January 2022 on the second and fourth Friday of each month,10.30am to 1.30pm. (Forthcoming dates are Friday 12th November , 10.30am to 1.30pm and Friday 17th December, 10.30am to 2pm)
This includes –
- ‘Happy Hour’ – Singing for the Soul.
- Other group/individual activities eg quizzes, crafts, games, talks etc indoor and outdoors.
- Carers Support Group
- Refreshments & ‘Lite’ Lunch
The groups are managed by a team of committed and passionate volunteers who have first hand experience of loved ones living with dementia. We understand the challenges that all those living with dementia face and the groups are solely to benefit our members.
For further details please contact Gail Tranter, Group Coordinator on Tel: 07847 384398 or email
Dyslexia Association
Contact: Helpline Advisor
Address: Sherwood House, 7 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, Notts, NG7 6LB
Telephone: Admin 0115 9246880
Helpline: 0115 9246888
Opening times: Helpline: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm, 1.00pm – 4.30pm
Centre/Admin Office: Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm, (Saturday 9.00am – 3.00pm for the delivery of tuition, only by previous agreement)
The Dyslexia Association provides a wide range of services for Dyslexics of all ages, their families, educators, employers and the wider community across East Midlands. Contact the helpline for further information 0115 924 6888. Services include Confidential Helpline, Advice Sessions, Dyslexia Screening, Dyslexia Assessment, Workplace Needs Assessments & Support, Specialist Tuition & Training, Assistive Technology Advice & Training, Dyslexia Awareness Training. Out of every ten people you know, one will be dyslexic. Support The Dyslexia Association ( and make a difference. The Dyslexia Association is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 3941946 and a registered charity no. 1082345.
Opening Times: Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm (Saturday 9.30am – 4.00p, for childrens tution – only by previous arrangement)
Eczema Society (National)
Address: 11 Murray Street, London, NW1 9RE
Telephone: 020 7281 3553
Helpline: Helpline: 0800 448 0818 Monday – Friday 10.00am-4.00pm
Activity: Information, Advice
The National Eczema Society is a charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for people of all ages with eczema. We provide independent, practical and evidence-based information and advice on the treatment and management of eczema, and raise awareness of the needs of people with eczema with healthcare professionals, teachers and policy-makers.
Contact: Richard Caswell – Church Leader
Address: The Bridge Church Retford, 26- 32 Bridgegate, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 6AA
Telephone: 01777 711377
Fax: 01777 707651
Meeting address: 26-32 Bridgegate, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 6AA
Meeting time: Wednesdays, 2pm
Fellowship Group for all (mainly over 45s), meetings, inspiring talks, activities, events, friendship and support.
Support for people worried about their memory
Contact: Beverley Pottinger
Address: The Beeches Community Centre, Birch Court, Tuxford, Newark, Notts, NG22 0NG
Telephone: 01777 870341
Activity: Social Support through crafts and other activities.
Meeting address: The Beeches Community Centre, Birch Court, Tuxford, Newark Notts
Meeting time: Open Tuesdays and Fridays 12:00 – 3:30pm.
A light lunch with tea or coffee will be served just after arrival. More tea or coffee will be served in the afternoon. There is a £5 charge which will also cover all materials and activities. Come and visit, without obligation, to see if the group suits you. Activities will vary from week to week and reflect the interests of the members of the group, and include communal card games, various crafts, dominoes, model making, etc. It is hoped that members will make friends and perhaps find others who may have similar interests. The staff will be available for personal advice and information about memory related problems. You may arrive with concerns but we hope you will leave with a smile.
FREED Beeches Eating Disorders Service
Address: c/o Freed Beeches, 39 Park Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 1HW
Telephone: 01909 479 922
Opening times: Monday – Thursday 10.00am until 8.00pm and Friday 9.30am until 5.30pm.
Meeting address: 39 Park Street, Worksop, S80 1HW
FREED-Beeches is a free service for adults and adolescents aged 14+ who are suffering from Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and OSFED. (We are unfortunately unable to offer a service to under 18’s suffering with Binge Eating Disorder).
FREED-Beeches is an innovative Eating Disorders Service providing Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy, Weekly Eating Disorder Therapy Group, Psycho-Educational Support, Dietetic Advice, Training for Professionals, Talks to School Children, Carers Group, Self-help Manuals and Library.
We are a service designed around service users’ views; supporting people with eating disorders and the people who support them. The service offers a friendly, intimate, easy access and fast response within a homely environment. People are welcome to call for an informal chat before deciding whether to access the service.
Gingerbread Lone Parents Group
Address: 520 Highgate Studios, 53 – 79 Highgate Road, London. NW5 1TL
Telephone: 020 7428 5420
Helpline: 0808 802 0925
Opening times: 9.00am-5.00pm
Tel: 0800 0184318 for membership and local groups.
To give support to lone parents, help and advice. Aiming to provide days out, reduced price holidays, local support groups and pre- employment training for people.
Harmless Bereavement Support
Address: PO Box 10770, Nottingham, NG8 9PF
Telephone: 0115 934 8445/07594 008356
Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self harm and suicide prevention including support, information, training and consultancy to people who self harm, their friends and families and professionals and those at risk of suicide.
Harmless was set up by people who understand these issues and at the heart of our service is a real sense of hope. We know that with the right support and help life can get better.
Headway – Nottingham
Address: 11 St Agnes Close, Bilborough, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 4BJ
Telephone: 0115 9679669
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9.00am- 4.30pm
Headway Nottingham is a charity offering support for those people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire who are living with the effects of brain injury. This support comes in the form of a Social Care approved day centre offering longer term social rehabilitation, workshops and activities that are specifically tailored to address the common problems faced post brain injury.
Hetty’s – Support to Family/Carers/Parents and Friends of Substance misuse
Contact: Debbie Knowles – Chief Executive
Address: Marlborough House, 23 Woodhouse Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. NG18 2AF
Telephone: 01623 643476
Helpline: 0800 850 941
Opening times: 0800 850941 Freephone support line open 9.00am-9.00pm everyday of year.
Activity: Advice, information, telephone & one-to-one support, group work, peer support, educational groups, mediation, complementary therapies.
Meeting address: Ring office for venues and times of groups – groups are also listed on Facebook
To support, empower and inform the families of drug and alcohol users by provision of confidential support. We offer a mediation service and a range of holistic therapies, both of which are available to clients on a private basis. Provision of presentations & information to local agencies if requested.
HOPE Community Services
Contact: Lucy Binch – CEO
Address: 17 Queen Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 2AN
Telephone: 01909 531294
Telephone: 01909 489990
Opening times: 24 Hour Service
Activity: Emergency accommodation and day services
Meeting address: 11-13 Queen Street, Worksop, S80 2AN
The provision of emergency accommodation and move on, advice, assistance, guidance and access to education, health care and any other services deemed necessary to combat homelessness and promote social inclusion.
Incest & Sexual Abuse Survivors (ISAS)
Counselling and support
Address: Queens Head Chambers, 42 Kirkgate, Newark, Nottinghamshire. NG24 1AB
Telephone: 0115 824 0314
Opening times: Office Monday-Friday, 9.00am -4.00pm
Activity: Counselling
Meeting address: Venues throughout County
Meeting time: Counselling Monday – Friday, 9.00am-8.00pm
Provide telephone and face to face counselling for survivors of childhood sexual abuse, their partners and supporters, and parents of abused children. We also offer Male Therapeutic groups for survivors in Nottingham, Newark, Bassetlaw and Mansfield. We offer immediate counselling/support of victims of recent rape or serious sexual assault and have venues throughout the county. Also group therapy and creative therapies Service available to all aged 13+. This is free to ALL and confidential, however we welcome donations.
Infant Feeding Support and Information
Contact: Alison Jee – Infant Feeding Lead
Address: c/o Healthy Family Team Office, Retford Hospital, North Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 7XF
Tel: 07896 579234
Support and guidance around breast feeding for new parents and parents-to-be. Call for more information or contact your local Children’s Centre. Covering the Bassetlaw area.
Contact: Annie Parry – Volunteer Co-ordinator
Address: BCVS@The Priory, The Old Abbey School, Priorswell Road, WORKSOP, Nottinghamshire, S80 2BU
Telephone: 01909 476 118
Mobile: 07923 256976
To encourage active citizenship and community involvement by matching volunteers to groups and organisations and by supporting the groups and organisations to find their own volunteers.
Listening Ear (bereavement Support)
Telephone: 0800 0485224
We believe in the transformative power of counselling. As a thriving and developing charity and social enterprise, we’re here to help those who’ve been bereaved, suffered loss or experienced separation.
NOTE: A new service has been launched by Listening Ear to support anyone in South Yorks and Bassetlaw who has been bereaved during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Accessible through a Freephone number, the service offers meaningful support, advice and guidance when it’s needed most. Although it’s not a counselling service, it will be delivered by trained counsellors who understand the difficulties and turmoil faced when someone loses a loved one. Available from Monday-Friday between 10am and 5pm, the free service is open for self-referral as well as taking referrals from emergency services, GPs or a range of other frontline services.
MHA Communities South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw
Contact: Chermayne Bennett – Communities Manager
Address: Flat 40, MHA Southcroft, 33 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL
Telephone: 07568 612067
Opening times: Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm
Activity: Thievesdale Community Centre, Weekly every Wednesday, 10am -2pm
Rayton Spur Community Centre, Weekly every Tuesday, 10am – 2pm
MHA Communities South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw provides to enable older people to live later life well. Worksop and District live at Home Scheme was set up by a group of local people in 1994. We deliver a variety of services in from social groups to lunch clubs.
Lost Chord
Contact: Helena Muller – Chief Executive
Address: The Wesley Centre, Blyth Road, Maltby, Rotherham, South Yorkshire. S66 8JD~
Telephone: 01709 811160/01709 811162
Telephone: 07796 49305
Activity: Therapeutic Music for people with Dementia on a monthly basis in residential homes and day centres.
We are an innovative charity dedicated to improving the quality of life and wellbeing of those struggling with dementia using interactive musical stimuli to increase their general awareness and self-esteem. Lost Chord is now a highly successful award-winning charity, operating in more than 170 homes and day centres in South Yorkshire, North Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Coventry, Ipswich, London, Cardiff and Cambridge. ‘I know from experience how music can reach the confused minds of people with dementia when nothing else can’ Lesley Garrett CBE Patron. ‘Lost Chord is a lifeline. To observe people who are withdrawn and isolated come out of their shell and engage by singing and dancing is tangible, powerful and emotional for all to see.’ Alzheimer’s Society
Mansfield M.E.& F.M.S. Support Group (ME Group or Fibro Group)
Contact: Chair
Address: St Peters Centre, Churchside, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. NG18 1AP
Telephone: 01623 754169 – Vicky Wick
Telephone: 07984 324321 – Vicky Wick
Telephone: 07889 615335 – Kathleen Radford
Opening times: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Activity: Drop in coffee centre and friendship meeting plus activities and organised trips (optional).
Meeting address: St Peters Centre, Church Side, Mansfield. NG18 1AP
Meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month 10.30am-12.30pm (telephone for details)
Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA)
Address: c/o MNDA, David Niven House, 10-15 Notre Dame Mews, Northampton, NN1 2BG
Telephone: 01604 250505
Fax: 01604 624726/638289
Helpline: 0808 802 6262
Opening Times: 9.00am-5.00pm
Support, information and help see
MS Support Group – Retford District
Contact: Through Self Help Link – Bassetlaw Action Centre
Address: Canal Steet, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 6EZ
Telephone: 01777 704687
Meeting address: The Well, Hospital Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire
The aims of the group are to keep people healthy, active and not socially isolated. The branch has a Coffee and Chat Morning at The Well each first Friday of the month from 11.00am -12noon. We have a visiting Neuro Nurse at the same day and time. MS swimming session at Retford Leisure Centre – please contact the group number for details. We have several evening social gatherings throughout the year usually involving food. Further details of branch activities can be obtained from listed telephone numbers.
Multiple Sclerosis Society -Worksop and District (MS Society)
Contact: Jenny Chappell
Address: 2 New Cottages, Creswell Road, Cuckney, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG20 9NN
Telephone: 01623 844684
Telephone: 07971 298949
Facebook: WorksopDistrictMSSociety Bassetlaw Mser’s
The group provides information from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and social meetings for sufferers and their families. Aims to improve the quality of life and be a support to newly diagnosed sufferers.
Group Social Meeting
The Lock Keeper, Worksop S80 1TJ
2nd and 4th Monday in the month 7pm – 8.30pm
Informal meeting, enjoy a drink, meal or just a chat
Seated Exercise Class
The Crossing Church & Centre, Newcastle St, Worksop. S80 2AT
Every Thursday morning 10.30 – 12 noon
10.30 for a drink and chat 11am start of exercise
Contact: Sarah 07731-684747 or to book a place
Coffee and Cake Morning
The Poplars Church, Golden Ball, 3 Victoria Square, Worksop S80 1DX
Last Friday of each month 10.30 – 12noon
Informal meeting for coffee and cake. The MS Nurse will try to attend and will answer any quick questions or make clinic bookings.
My Sight Nottinghamshire (My Sight Notts)
Address: 26 – 28 Heathcoat Street, Nottingham. NG1 3AA
Telephone: 0115 9706806
Opening times: 9.30am – 4.00pm
Raise awareness of sight loss. A variety of services for all ages.
National Childbirth Trust – Bassetlaw (NCT Bassetlaw)
Helpline: 0300 3300700
Meeting time: Meet regularly
Our branch is run by a friendly team of local parents and we offer support, information and friendship to parents and parents-to-be. Whether you’re looking for an antenatal class, want to come along to one of our weekly ‘bumps and babies’ or toddler groups or join us for a social evening without the kids, the Branch has got something to offer you.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC – Child Protection Helpline)
Address: Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London. EC2A 3NH
Telephone: 0808 800 5000 – Helpline
Telephone: 0800 1111 – Childline
NSPCC- Helpline
Offers free advice and support to anyone concerned about the welfare of a child. Operates Monday – Friday; 8.00am – 10.00pm and Weekends 9.00am – 6.00pm.
Tel: 0808 800 5000
Web site:
Address: Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH
General Information: 0207 825 2505
A free, confidential, 24-hour helpline offering help and advice to any child or young person.
Tel: 0800 1111
Contact details: NSPCC Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH
E-mail: (young people & adults ) we would advise children to contact our Childline service, however if they wish to report then they should contact our helpline
Public Enquiry Point: 0207 825 2505 (for general information)
New Roots Housing Project
Supported Housing
Address: 2 – 4, Overend Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 1QF
Telephone: 01909 501732
Opening times: Monday to Friday; 9.00am – 5.00pm
New Roots is a registered charity that has been providing supported accommodation in Bassetlaw for young homeless people for over 15 years. New roots currently has 2 shared house to accommodate 12 young people in shared accommodation, which includes 7 self contained flats and 30 dispersed properties in the Bassetlaw area accommodating 32 young people including young parents. In addition to providing good quality accommodation the project offers support, training and guidance to its service users as they move towards independence. New Roots, like everyone, has rules but these are kept to a minimum and are there to ensure that everyone is safe and that we comply with the relevant law, housing legislation and our own equal opportunities policy.
NHS Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS – Bassetlaw CCG)
Address: Retford Hospital, North Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 7XF
Telephone: 01777 590035
Provides information about local health services.
North Notts Moving Forward
Address: The Exchange, 38 Water Lane, Newark, NG24 1HA
Telephone: 0115 850 4155
Opening times: Monday – Thursday, 9.00am – 5.00pm. Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm
The service assists individuals to get the support they need to overcome housing or financial difficulties. The Moving Forward service works with people to build their skills and confidence to live independently. The service works with people who live in North Nottinghamshire, are aged 16 and over and who are experiencing mental health problems
Nottinghamshire Leukaemia Appeal
Contact: Elaine Doherty – Appeal Secretary
Address: David Evans Medical Research Centre, Nottingham Universtiy Hospitals, City Hospital, NOTTINGHAM, Nottinghamshire, NG5 1PB
Telephone: 0115 9627 650 (office number)
Nottinghamshire Coalition of Disabled People (NCDP)
Address: The Atrium, Suite 2, 20 Wollaton Street, Nottingham, NG1 5FW
Telephone: 0115 9474574
Opening times: 10.30am-1.00pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Information counselling and benefit advice. Registered charity no. 1060636
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – Specialist Continence Advisory Service
Address: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – Specialist Continence Advisory Service, Tuxford Clinic, Newark Road, Tuxford, DN22 0NA
Telephone: 01777 274422 – Single Point of referral
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm
Give support and advice on bladder/bowel dysfunction issues or any other continence related problems. This is a confidential service. Referrals to be made via Single Point of Referral on the above telephone number.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust Mental Health Crisis Line
Telephone: 0808 196 3779
The crisis line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people of all ages.
If you’re in a mental health crisis, call the crisis line anytime of the day or night, and we can arrange for you to speak with a mental health professional. We can also advise you about other services, which can help you.
The crisis line is operated by local health workers. Don’t worry, they will help you get the right support.
For other medical advice and support contact your GP or visit NHS 111.
Nottinghamshire Mind
Contact: Nic Roberts
Address: The Mind Building, 6 Hardy Street, Worksop, S80 1EH
Telephone: 0800 470 0203
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm
Covering all areas of Nottinghamshire. Offers free confidential support to people experiencing stress, anxiety and other mental health difficulties.
Services include: counselling, supportive listening, resilience and stabilisation, training, group support, crisis intervention
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd (Women’s Aid Ltd)
Address: The Farr Centre, Chapel Walk, Westgate, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 1LR
Telephone: 01909 533 610
Fax: 01909 533 617
Opening times: 9.00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday. (until September)
Activity: information, support, education, creche, drop-ins
Meeting address: The Farr Centre
Meeting time: AGM in September.
Provide advice and support to women who have experienced any form of physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse, including outreach services and drop in. The centre is open to all women in the Bassetlaw Area. It offers information, guidance and training (educational and vocational) and social activity. Opening times: 9.00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday. (until September) Usually open 9.15am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday
Notts LGBT+ Network (NLN)
Contact: The Co-ordinator
Address: Notts LGBT+ Network, Unit G05 Bizspace, Cumberland House, 35 Park Row, Nottingham, NG1 6EE
Telephone: 0115 934 8485 (text at 07481 344040)
Opening times: 7.00pm – 9.15pm
Phone lines staffed to provide information and support to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people.
Papyrus (Children &Young People Suicide Help Line)
Telephone: 0800 068 4141
We provide confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through our helpline, HOPELINEUK.
HOPELINEUK is a confidential support and advice service for:
- Children and Young People under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide
- Anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide
Parkinson’s UK – Bassetlaw Branch (Worksop, Retford and Districts)
Contact: Mrs Christine Coldwell
Address: 14 Windsor Road, Carlton-in-Lindrick, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 9BW
Telephone: 01909 730629
Helpline: 0808 8000 303
Meeting address: Worksop Cricket Club, Central Avenue, Worksop S80 1EN
Meeting time: 1st Tuesday of month, 2.00pm – 4.00pm
This group offers support, advice and information to sufferers and carers, raising awareness in the local community and encouraging social events and outings amongst members. Through local fund raising we aim to organise three coach outings to places of interest and lunch meetings every two months plus theatre trips. Lunches together are an important feature in our yearly programme. We firmly believe that no-one should feel alone with Parkinson’s. We offer the hand of friendships, to all Parkinson’s patients, their carers and family. There is a full and active life to be enjoyed despite some of the problems of the condition. We work in close contact with the Parkinson’s Neurological Nurses. Monthly meetings are well attended with lots of laughter and chatter. There is always a speaker on a variety of topics both humorous, informative, historical or medical.
A warm welcome awaits new members to any or all of the meetings
Patients Advice & Liaison Service (PALS)
Address: Retford Hospital, North Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 7XF
Telephone: 01302 553140
The aim of the service is to resolve patients concerns as quickly as possible and to provide information to make contact with the NHS as easy as possible. The service will also help with patients day to day issues and worries. The PALS service does not replace the complaints procedure. Patients are encouraged to use the service by contacting 0800 587 3089. The complaints procedure can be accessed by contacting the complaints manager at Retford Hospital.
Pensioners Association – Worksop and District
Contact: Jean Highfield – Chairperson
Telephone: 01909 481620
Meeting time: 2.00pm second Wednesday in month at Crossings Church Worksop
Potter Street Service – Framework Housing Association
Address: 55-57 Potter Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 2HQ
Telephone: 01909 475799
Fax: 01909 475781
Providing quick access short stay housing for homeless men, women, couples and people with dogs. It is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week seeking to provide residents with a wide range of housing options to meet individual long term housing needs.
Relate – Nottinghamshire
Contact: Admin
Address: 96 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 3HD
Telephone: 0115 958 4278 (Nottingham)
Opening times: Nottingham Office: Monday – Thursday; 9.00am – 9.00pm, Friday 9.00am – 6.00pm & Saturday 9:00am – 1:00pm
Activity: Counselling
Meeting address: Nottingham Office
Relate Nottinghamshire offers Relationship counselling, Family Counselling, Young People’s Counselling, Sex Therapy and Sex addiction counselling. In response to COVID-19, we launched our free 30-minute telephone counselling sessions available to anyone living in Nottinghamshire and over 18 years old, and our range of services can now also be accessed by telephone and Zoom (webcam). Furthermore, we have recently launched our EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy) and Mediation services.
Retford Pain Support Group
Organisation type: Social media support group
Contact name: Karen Bridge – Group Administrator
Tel: 07854 482056
Meeting address: Local tearooms
An on-line Facebook support group for chronic pain suffers in the Retford area.
Address: RNID, Brightfield Business Hub, Bakewell Road, Peterborough, PE2 6XU
Telephone: 0808 808 0123
Text phone:0808 8089000
We are the charity making life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus. Together, we campaign for an inclusive society. We connect people to practical advice and pioneer new treatments for hearing loss and tinnitus.
Royal Voluntary Service (RVS)
Royal Voluntary Service is a national charity that supports hospitals and communities through the gift of voluntary service.
Contact: Joanne Myatt – Service Manager
Address: Bassetlaw Home From Hospital, C/O Royal Voluntary Service Shop, Bassetlaw Hospital, Kilton Hill, Worksop, S81 0BD
Telephone: 07714 898531
Activity: Our trained team of volunteers can provide up to 12 weeks of support after a stay in hospital. They can help with practical things like accompanying you to the shops, collecting shopping or prescriptions, or simply being there for reassurance while you regain your independence. They can also provide advice on nutrition, staying hydrated and help to connect with social groups in your local area.
Free Telephone: 116 123 (24hr)
We’re here, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.
Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, we’re taking action to prevent the crisis.
We give people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. And we encourage, promote and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives.
We offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need.
Senior Citizen’s April Club – Sutton-cum-Lound (April Club)
Contact: c/o Bassetlaw Action Centre
Address: Canal Street, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 6EZ
Telephone: 01777 705077
Activity: Games, pub lunches
Meeting address: Sutton Village Hall, Town Street, Sutton cum Lound. DN22 8PX
Meeting time: Fridays, 2.00pm – 4.00pm Fortnightly
Meetings held every fortnight on a Friday 2.00pm to 4.00pm at Sutton Village Hall. The group provides social activities and support.
Single Point of Referral (SPoR)
Contact: Bassetlaw Health Partnerships
Address: Retford Hospital, North Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 7XF
Telephone: 01777 274422
Opening times: 7.00am to 9.00pm, every day of the year
Activity: Take referrals for childrens health services. The Healthy Family Team (school nursing and health visiting), paediatric and paediatric OT. Have own specialist pallative care team (as no Marie Curie in our area) comprising of hospice and services and Palliative Community Team.
Available 7.00am to 9.00pm every day of the year. Run jointly by the Bassetlaw Health Partnerships and Nottinghamshire Social Services with the aim of providing high quality integrated services in health and social care. Services include community nursing, podiatry, continence advice, intermediate care, community rehab, rapid response, emergency dental appointments. Take referrals and messages for Childrens Health Services, The Healthy Family Team (school nursing and health visiting), Paediatric and Paediatric OT. Have own Specialist Palliative Care Team (no Marie Curie in this area) comprising of Hospice Services and Palliative Community Team.
SSAFA Forces Help
Address: SSAFA, 4 St Dunstan’s Hill, London, EC3R 8AD
Telephone: 0800 731 4880
Telephone: 0115 9781623
Opening times: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9.00am – 12.00 noon
Quarterly meetings in Nottingham for Executive Committee Members only. Annual AGM and Training Day for Case Workers. Registered charity for Serving and Ex Service members of HM Forces, Families and Dependants.
St John Ambulance – Worksop
Contact: Philip Moon
Address: Kenwood, 166a Newcastle Avenue, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 1NG
Tel: 01909 474983
Activity: First Aid Training directed to Training Centre (care activities stopped nationally by HQ)
Meeting address: BCVS, Priorswell Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 2BU
Meeting time: Wednesday – Cadets 5.45pm – 7.15pm/Adults – 7.30pm – 9.00pm
First Aid training and sign-posting to Training Centre.
Stroke Club – Worksop & District
Contact: Mrs Lynn Hancock – Acting Secretary
Address: 9 Portland Avenue, Creswell. S80 4JQ
Telephone: 01909 720985 or 0753 8077442
Activity: Information, support, social
Meeting address: The Crossing, Newcastle Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire
Meeting time: First & Third Thursdays of month – 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Locally run self help group for stroke survivors and their carers. The club helps members to keep abreast of new ideas and legislation. It gives fellowship, fun and a sense of purpose in life. The club invites speakers, choirs, brass bands and social activities of various kinds as well as outings during the summer months.
Supplements and complements rather than replacing the statutory services.
Also The Stroke Association
Education, Training & Information Service
Nottingham City Hospital, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, NG5 1PB
Tel: 0115 985 7868
Supporting, Healing and Educating (S.H.E)
Address: 1 Byron Street, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. NG18 5NX
Telephone: 01623 622916
Meeting time: If you require help filling in a welfare benefits form, then an appointment is necessary.
S.H.E is run by and for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. S.H.E is a registered charity. To provide a variety of self- help based support for adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse over the age of 16 and information to promote public education and awareness to the long term effects of sexual abuse. S.H.E. can also offer information to members partners, their supporters and male survivors.
Tenants and Residents Association – Mattersey Thorpe (Mattersey Thorpe TRA)
Address: 3 Cunningham Close, Mattersey Thorpe, Doncaster. DN10 5EN
Telephone: 01777 817528
Website: Facebook: Mattersey Thorpe TRA
Meeting address: The Community House, 3 Cunningham Close, Mattersey Thorpe. DN10 5EN
Meeting time: Meet once a month – every second Friday at 6.00pm.
A range of activities free to everyone please ring for more details.
The British Polio Fellowship (British Polio)
Address: CP House, Otterspool Way, Watford. WD25 8HR
Telephone: 0800 0431935/01923 889501
The Centre Place
Address: The Centre Place, Abbey Street Community Centre, Abbey Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 2LA
Telephone: 01909 479191
Meeting address: The Centre Place, Abbey Street Community Centre, Abbey Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 2LA
The Centre Place –LGBT+ Service/Notts LGBT+
Contact: Project manager
Address: The Centre Place, Abbey Street Community Centre, Abbey Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 2LA
Telephone: 01909 479191
Meeting address: The Centre Place, Abbey Street Community Centre, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 2LA
Meeting time: 11 – 16 Group Thursdays 3.00pm – 6.00pm. 16 – 26 Group Wednesdays 5.00pm – 8.00pm. Wednesdays 5.00pm – 8.00pm. Trans Group first Thursday of every month 6.30pm – 8.30pm. Parents and Carers Group third Wednesday of every month 6.00pm – 8.00pm.
Activities: We offer a range of professional, specialist services for young people aged 11 – 25 who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or tans (LGBT+) or may be questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.
We offer a range of professional, specialist services for young people aged 11 – 25 who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT+) or may be questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.
The Centre Place – Talkzone (Talkzone)
Address: The Centre Place, Abbey Street Community Centre, Abbey Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S80 2LA
Telephone: 01909 479191
Mental Health – Talkzone (11 – 25 year olds), LGBT+ Counselling – Talkzone (11- 25 year olds)
Meeting time: Meetings can be held across the Bassetlaw area. TEXT Service – Text: TALK to 07538 318462
A confidential Counselling Service which holds sessions at various outreach venues.
The IBS Network
Contact: Sam Yardy
Address: Unit 1.16, Soar Works, 14, Knutton Road, Sheffield South Yorkshire. S5 9NU
Telephone: 0114 272 3253
Answerphone: 0114 272 3253
Opening times: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm office hours
Activity: Information, support
Meeting time: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday evenings 7.00pm-9.00pm. Available to members
The mission of The IBS Network is acknowledging your illness, supporting your journey, transforming your life. The IBS Network is a Self Help organisation for people living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The Charity has a paid membership. As a member of The IBS Network you will have access to:
- our Helpline, staffed by nurses trained in the symptoms of IBS- Tue, Wed, Thurs 7pm-9pm
- our ‘Ask the Experts’ facility, personal one to one contact through our website with our healthcare professionals (including gastroenterologists and dietitians) (Access online with membership details)
- our Self-Care Programme provides you with comprehensive information about the nature, causes and management of IBS that you can tailor to your IBS. (Access online with membership details)
- symptom Tracker, which will help you to manage your condition. Similar to a diary, the symptom tracker allows you to keep a record of your symptoms which can help you to see if there is a pattern over time and can help you to understand your condition better (Access online with membership details)
- our recipes updated monthly, specifically designed to be suitable for the sensitive gut (Access online with membership details)
- our magazine (Gut Reaction published in March, June, September and December) filled with new research, recipes and articles written by our medical professionals and people’s stories (Access online with membership details)
- a range of detailed factsheets to download (Access online with membership details)
The Sleep Charity
Telephone: 01302 751416
Sleep deprivation can have a serious impact on emotional, physical and mental health, many families seeking our support are approaching crisis point.
We offer a range of services from working directly with parents to training professionals in the NHS.
Our work is based on the latest research and we have a team of experts who input into our training materials and courses.
We believe in working in partnership with families and offer a gentle approach to making lasting changes to your child’s sleep patterns.
The Time Machine
Contact: Sally Brand
Contact Position: Managing Director
Address: 15 Churchgate, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 6PA
Tel 1: 07388 115801
Activities: Daytime activities for the elderly and people living with mental health/learning disabilities and special events at weekends.
Opening Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday – special events at the weekends
Description: Memory enhancing dementia friendly activities, cognitive stimulation therapy, music appreciation/dance/life-long learning/falls prevention exercises. Drop-in centre on Mondays for anxiety and depression. Self and healthcare referrals taken. Self-help groups for carers. Hospital visiting. Private carer sourcing/training/referencing/vetting.
The Tomorrow Project
Contact Name: Tom Garrett/ Samantha Etchells
Contact Position: Clinical Bereavement Support Workers
Address: The Sanctuary, 1, Beech Avenue, Nottingham, NG7 7LJ
Tel No 1: 0115 880 0280 or 07934 716079
The Tomorrow Project is a specialised bereavement support service in Nottinghamshire (including Bassetlaw), Derbyshire and Leicestershire who support anyone bereaved, effected or exposed to a suspected suicide. We provide immediate, free, one-to-one emotional and practical support sessions and tailor our support to meet the needs of the individual. There is no time limit or set number of sessions we can support people for, we can support them as long as they require it.
It does not matter how long ago the bereavement occurred we support anyone who has been bereaved by suicide regardless of when it happened.
If you are interested in accessing support from us, you can call us and talk to one of our clinical bereavement support workers. If you are finding it difficult to make that first call, which we completely understand, you can email or even message us on social media and we can ring you.
Turning Point
Notts Mental Health helpline: 0300 555 0730 (9am-11pm 7 days a week)
The service is available for anyone who needs emotional support or information about what help people struggling with their mental health can access in the local area.
Trained mental health workers are on hand to answer calls seven days a week from 9am – 11pm
The helpline website also includes useful information about a range of common mental health issues, such as anxiety and low mood, and how to promote feelings of wellbeing. It also provides information and advice on mental health issues to people working in the NHS, local government, schools or the community and voluntary sector.
UK Sepsis Trust
Tel: 0808 800 0029
Whether you’re having problems with your recovery, trying to support a loved one after they leave hospital or struggling with grief you can contact us by phone or email below. Our professional, experienced team is ready to offer information and support.
We feel it’s our duty to step up to the plate during this global crisis – not only because patients who have recently survived sepsis can be more vulnerable to its effects, but also because COVID-19 can cause sepsis in some patients. Moreover, we believe our skills, in supporting people affected by sepsis, are directly transferable to those affected by COVID-19.
Therefore, we have made the positive and crucial decision to extend our support services to anyone who has been affected by COVID-19.
We will, of course, continue to support people who have been affected by sepsis.
Calls are free within the UK and don’t appear on itemised bills.
Victim Support Scheme Bassetlaw
Telephone: 0300 3031967
Free Support Line: 0808 1689111
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.
Support available Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm. To support all victims of crime to increase knowledge and awareness of the effects of crime.
WAM (What About Me?)
Address: 1st Floor, 200 Lichfield Lane, Masfield, Nottinghamshire. NG18 4RG
Telephone: 0115 9691300 Ext 16499
Activity: support, information, education
What About me? (W.A.M) is a confidential support service for children and young people aged under 18, who are affected by someone else’s mental health and/or substance use. This could be their mum, dad, brother, sister, friend or anyone that they know or care about.
West Street Pre- School
Contact: Angela Trotter – Committee member
Address: c/o 2 West Street, Retford, Nottinghamshire. DN22 6ES
Telephone: 01777 711828
Telephone: 07817 926094
Opening times: Monday- Thursday 8.45am – 3.15pmpm & Friday 8.45am – 12.15pm. All days you can stay for a lunch session from 11.45am – 12.15pm. Cost £3.00, children bring their own healthy lunch box.
New members and volunteers always welcome.
Ring for further details or we have a Facebook page West Street Preschool.
Your Health Your Way
Address: Your Health Your Way , Suite 1 The Willows, Ransom Wood, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG21 0HJ
Telephone: Main office 01157722515
Your Health Your Way is an integrated Wellbeing Service funded by Nottinghamshire County Council and delivered by ABL Health.
We are here to help all residents of Nottinghamshire (excluding Nottingham city) get more active, eat healthier, manage your weight, drink less alcohol and stop smoking. We offer realistic and practical support for people to make life long healthy behaviour changes.
Due to COVID-19 all services are currently being delivered remotely. We are offering support Monday-Friday throughout the day and on some evenings. Individuals can access the following services:
Weight management (virtual group clinics and one to ones via telephone)
Adult weight management (virtual group clinics and one to one telephone support)
Family weight management (telephone support)
Smoking cessation (telephone)
Physical activity (bespoke recorded activity sessions are emailed to clients to complete at home)
Brief alcohol support (telephone support)
Referrals can be made from health professionals and GP practices via the F12/Ardens function and both third party and self-referrals can be made online by visiting Your Health Your Way Notts. .
We will be able to provide both one to one and group based support via telephone and online support (Zoom). This will include free bespoke physical activity videos suitable for all abilities by our healthy lifestyle advisors.
PLEASE NOTE: We are aiming to move back to offering face to face support over the coming weeks. Dates to be confirmed.