
The Bassetlaw Action Centre was established as a Manpower Services Commission project in 1983 and was transferred to Bassetlaw Community and Voluntary Service in 1989, who managed the project until it became an independent registered charity in April 1996.  From 1989 it has been funded by a number of organisations including, Bassetlaw CCG, Lloyds Bank Foundation, Bassetlaw District Council and Nottinghamshire County Council as a Community Resource, Information, Training and Advice Centre for Bassetlaw.

In 1996 the charity consisted of 1.2 full time equivalent staff members and 8 volunteers with 1 significant work stream – the Community Car Scheme.  It was also an established local resource agency and training centre offering courses on touch typing for example.  As the organisation grew, it developed into an organisation serving the whole of Bassetlaw (hence the name change in 2011 when it became a limited company but retaining its charity status).

The Bassetlaw Action Centre today has grown into a major service delivery organisation in the district with 35 staff members and over 80 volunteers.  It has many distinct areas of work, including a very well used training resource which offers basic skills training and a range of IT courses from beginners through to advanced.

The majority of the work streams of the Action Centre exist to promote the independence of older and vulnerable people including support for people with long term conditions, people with housing issues, self-help groups and people with transport needs.

Bassetlaw covers 256 miles of predominantly rural area served by 2 market towns.  Many older and vulnerable Bassetlaw residents have transport needs to allow them to access essential services.  The Action Centre now boasts three transport projects, including the well-established car scheme with over 50 volunteer drivers, a fully accessible MPV and Minibus, which help to break down barriers into employment and helps many older residents to access services, reducing isolation.

Our other areas of work include Bassetlaw Self Help Link which promotes local Self Help groups, Staying Well in Bassetlaw which is a 6 week course to help people manage their long term conditions, Get Out Get Active (GOGA) encourages people to take part in safe and fun activities, Home Support provides domestic support in the home, Housing Choice for people who are considering their options to meet their changing needs and  Befriending for those who are most socially isolated.

The Bassetlaw Action Centre Staff cover everything from answering queries over the telephone, visiting clients in their own home to help with benefit applications or energy advice, making applications on behalf of clients on the choice based lettings scheme, assisting with blue badge applications, encouraging people into activity, offering support with long term health conditions through our Staying Well Programme. This list is by no means exhaustive, it merely gives some examples of what is part of the holistic support we offer.

We have invested in our telephony and IT systems, with all staff having access to dedicated equipment linked to superfast broadband and the internet.  We have intranet facilities for internal communications; we have electronic diary systems, electronic payment systems, dedicated transport booking software and have our own web-site. 

The Bassetlaw Action Centre has a management committee drawn from local residents and the volunteers are local people wanting to give something back to their community.  It is an established, well-recognised local resource agency which is respected by professionals from the voluntary, statutory and private sectors.  It has an excellent reputation with its client group and the many areas of work make a real difference to the lives of many individuals.  This is frequently achieved by signposting and working in partnership with local organisations with whom the Action Centre staff have formed strong working relationships.

In line with our workplace health initiative, the Bassetlaw Action Centre operates a no smoking and zero alcohol policy.  We strive to be an equal opportunities employer.
