Housing Choice
Contact: Craig Chadburn
Bassetlaw Action Centre
Canal Street
DN22 6EZ
Telephone: 01777 709650
Email: housing@actioncentre.org.uk
Leaflet: To download the Housing Choice & Advice Service leaflet please click here
Case study: To see an example of how Housing Choice can help please click here
Housing Choice
This service provides information, advice and support to people in Bassetlaw on housing related issues across all tenure.
Who is it for?
Our service is aimed at older and vulnerable people, their family and carers who recognise that they are starting to find things difficult in their own homes and want to consider their options to meet their changing needs. This might include moving to more suitable accommodation such as somewhere smaller, nearer to family and friends or housing specifically for older people such as sheltered housing. They could also be thinking about making changes to their existing property such as repairs or adaptations.
Our service is also aimed advice and health & social care workers who support older and vulnerable people.
What support is available?
Your Housing Choices Advisor or Caseworker can:
• Provide information, advice or support on a one to one basis
• Provide support to explore different housing options and help put these changes in place, as appropriate
• Support in the moving process
• Provide benefit advice
• Assist to register with social housing
• Assist to register with housing associations
• Provide home visits as appropriate
• Refer on to other local services
Housing surgeries
Our housing surgery is held with the case worker in our Retford office.
Please note that surgeries are by appointment only.
Contact Us
For more information about Housing Choice or to book an appointment with the case worker please contact us between 9am and 1pm Monday to Friday, please see the top of this page for contact details.
Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) is a national charity that aims to help older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs. Their flagship website provides a vast range of free information and guidance for elderly people, their relatives and carers, as well as professionals who work with them. Includes specialist directories of over 40,000 retirement housing developments and care homes in the UK, with details of nearly 3,000 available properties updated each week. Visit the site at www.housingcare.org.uk
For a full list of Housing and Care Home contacts in Bassetlaw: click here